High Quality Epoxy & Polyaspartic
Garage Flooring Installation Service
Serving Houston, Since 2003
When people think about the polyaspartic
garage flooring cost, they usually think that it is unaffordable due to its higher quality. However that is no longer the case as polyaspartic coatings have become more and more affordable over recent years. So how much does it cost to coat a garage floor in Houston? The answer varies depending on a few factors, such as the size of your garage and the amount of chips you put in the floor. Most companies push partial chip floors (which means the chips do not completely cover the floors surface) they are just lightly sprinkled on top thus affording them a higher profit margin; these
partially chipped floors are often decietfully named
Heavy Chip Floors but there is nothing heavy about a chip floor that does not completely cover the surface with chips. These
parital chip floors include about 10 pounds of chips for every two car garage and has a price tag of about $4-$5 per square foot. The next type of
Heavy Chip Floor only covers the top of the coating enough to give the appearance that the floor is completely saturated with chips without actually doing it. These floors offer more protection than partially chipped floors because they have a layer of chips on the surface that weigh about 25 pounds for each two car garage. These
Heavy Chip Floors run about $5-$6 per square foot installed. The
best type of
Heavy Chip Floors are actually completely saturated with chips. The process involves throwing 100+ pounds of chips (20 gallons of chips) for each two car garage into the wet coating until the chips sink down deep and then more chips are put on top until the floor can no longer hold any more chips (until rejection). These floors are superior for many reasons. First, they provide 4x the amount of chips as the preceeding method which means the floor will last 4x longer because the more product you have between your feet and the concrete the longer the floor will last. Additionally, when you wear thru the top layer of chips on the completely saturated floor you will expose more chips below the surface so that you won't be able to tell that the top layer has been worn thru opposed to the preceeding version which will reveal a solid color grey, tan or black coating. If you only have chips on the surface then once you wear past those chips you will expose the solid color coating below and you will see spots all over the floor where you walk the most. If you had just spent a little bit more money you would have had a floor that lasted 4x and looks the same as you wear thru it to the bottom. The partially chipped floor and the heavy chip floors with chips only on the surface has a service life of about 10-20% of the service life of our fully saturated floors.
Our garage floors are the thickest in town and will last for years. Our garage floors that Houston residents love, are not only the most durable, but they are also the most beautiful. We have a wide variety of chip color blends to choose from HERE so whether you want a sleek and modern look or a more traditional garage floor, we have you covered.
We understand that your garage is an important part of your home because it's the first place you walk when you get home. It is also the first thing your special guests see when they open your car door to step out. That's why we offer the best possible Houston area garage flooring solution and experience. We want you to be completely satisfied with your new garage floor so that you recommend our team to your family and friends. When it comes to an affordable
garage floor cost Houston residents swear by, we are the team for you, because we do it right the first time which saves you thousands and because we provide the most materials per every dollar spent which makes us the most valuable.
If you're ready to get a new polyaspartic garage floor, call us today. We'll be happy to answer any
questions you have and help you choose the perfect floor for your space! Contact us to get started! 281-849-3070
"When Quality and Attention to Detail are Required."
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