High Quality Epoxy & Polyaspartic
Garage Flooring Installation Service
Serving Houston, Since 2003
Garage Floor Repair Kits
& Color Matching Available!
Services Offered:
-Local Garage Floor Repairs
$295 - Up to 3 Spots. $50 each additional spot up to 1 Square Foot
-Custom Color Matched Coating Repair Kits $180 - ($95 repair kit price + $55 color matching + $30 flat rate shipping) Mail us a piece of your peeled floor and we will color match your repair kit. Color matching a kit is typically not necessary for Fully Saturated Heavy Chip Floors.
-Heavy Chip Floor Repair Kits
$125 - ($95 kit price + $30 flat rate shipping) For floors with no need to color match the primer coating because the primer coating is totally covered with chips. Includes Primer, Clear Coat, Chips (see gallery page for chips we stock), brushes, sand paper, mixing containers, stir sticks. 1 Square Foot of Repair Material.
Repair kits include enough Primer to cover one full square foot (typically in Grey or Tan depending on the color chip blend), enough Clear Coat to cover one full square foot, and any of our available Chip Blends that are shown on our Gallery Page. If we do not stock your chips you can buy them at Torginol.com (they are the company that produces the chips) find your blend and order from them directly or use their Virtual Color Blend Builder to pick the colors that match your floor.
For customers who need a repair and are inside or oustide of warranty or for new customers who did not have us install their garage floor please email us to schedule a repair or to obtain an estimate at Don@HoustonGarageFloors.com Please include your First and Last Name, Cell Phone Number, Address, the size of the repair (pictures would help) and the color chip blend name if you know it. If you are under warranty an installation date would help us retrieve your information, if you have your original Work Order form please snap and attach a picture of it. Thanks!
For a repair kit please email your name, address, the name of the color chip blend that you have or the name of the chip blend that you want from our Gallery Page and pictures of your floor from close up and far away to: Don@HoustonGarageFloors.com
For custom matched repair kits please email your name, address, the name of the color chip blend that you have or the name of the chip blend that you want from our Gallery Page and pictures of your floor from close up and far away to: Don@HoustonGarageFloors.com and I will give you mailing instructions so that you can send us a peeled piece of the floor that we can color match.
What does our Repair Kit Include?
One Square Foot of Material!!!
Our kits contain enough coating to repair at least One FULL Square Foot of area! You get 2 oz of primer, 2 oz of clear coat, 4 oz of chips, degreasing wipes, sand paper, paint brushes, mixing containers and stir sticks! Absolutely EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO DO A REPAIR! Watch How Easy it is in the Instructional Video below!
See our Repair Kit Video on the Houston Garage Floors channel at YouTube: HERE
A repair kit ONLY costs $95 with or without chips.
The cost of shipping is a Flat Rate of $30 for those within the Continental US
Our kits are ideal for fully saturated Heavy Chip Floors that have so many chips on them that you can not really see the primer. If you have a partial chip floor that only has chips sprinkled on top and does not fully cover the primer then you will need to mail us a piece of the peeled floor (the bigger the better but at least 2 inches by 2 inches) and have us match the floor color or the kit will not match. Color Matching the kit is an additional $55.
Email us for scheduling local area garage floor repairs, mailing instuctions on sending peeled pieces of your floor to us for color matching and instructions on how to purchase a garage floor repair kit at Don@HoustonGarageFloors.com
Watch the How To Garage Floor Repair
Kit Instructional Video Below:
"When Quality and Attention to Detail are Required."
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Houston, TX, United States
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